Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here goes nothing...

I’m flying to Spain on Tuesday.

I’m moving to another country. I’ve been repeating that sentence at least once a day for the past week. My dogs seem to be the only ones who aren’t tired of hearing about Madrid, Madrid, Madrid.

I will be working as a Language and Culture Assistant in two primary education schools. The program provides Spanish students and teachers the opportunity to learn about the English language and American culture through interaction with native speakers like me!

Hmmmmm… if the Spanish government really wants their students to learn about the culture of where I’m from, I guess my first lesson plan will look a little like this:

  • The proper grammatical usage of the phrase “Git’r done”.
  • The historical and sociological significance of lyrics from “Free Bird”.
  • Can I show a movie? I’m pretty sure a viewing of “Forrest Gump” would help break down about three decades of American history and popular culture.

…Just kidding!

Applying to the program, obtaining a visa from the Spanish Consulate, and hunting for an apartment across the Atlantic have already proved to be an adventure. I’m almost positive the next ten months of my life will be nothing less then epic.

I’m thoroughly aware that my parents are probably the only people in the world that will care to read my blog regularly. (Hi, Mom and Dad!) But to all others, welcome…bienvenidos! I hope you will enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it!

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